Saturday 15 October 2011

uPSI - UTem...2011..

At 1 and 2 October 2011, I and 39 partner members mentor students (PRS) of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) has to go to the technical university melaka (UTeM) to pursue a program under coach club student partners. me and my friends go there from the college at 8.30 am and arrive in melaka at 12.00 noon. arrived there, we greeted by members of the PRS UTEM and we were given very comfortable accommodation with lunch.

Thereafter, at 2.00 pm we set off from accommodation to UTeM to continue the programs that were planned. various activities carried out there, among others, share experiences, exchange modules and together create a new module. that night, we were invited and served a variety of delicious food and exciting performances have dipersembahan by members of the PRS and PRS UTeM UPSI. 
I am not exempt from performing that night me and my friends make the drama entitled mode now.
. I felt ashamed, but I and other friends are trying to do good performance and we have fun.
In addition, what is interesting, we were given a buddy who does not know his identity, where we only get the name of the buddy's name written paper.
each participant will receive a buddy different from their respective universities.

Interestingly, to know who our buddy, the gift exchange ceremony will be held face to face with their buddy and the party was held the next day. try to guess, I get a buddy male or female?? hahahaha .. must be male and his name is FIRDAUS ....
I only know the name, but do not know which is the one person right time ..... funny looking saya.itu buddy. Finally, the next day, I know and to meet with my buddy during the gift exchange. together we took pictures and exchanged gifts ..

After the closing ceremony held little with members of the PRS and PRS UTeM UPSI.
Even two days together ... but I'm still happy with the members of the PRS UTeM .... hope to see you again  after this ...
this Is my buddy~~~ (^_^)..
                                                                                                                                                                LOve: miSS N.A...

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